College Campus Placement Tips : 2024 updated(Technical jobs)

Ishan Singh
5 min readNov 8, 2017

The placements are getting tougher day by day. Is it because of the companies screening has narrowed down? No. It’s because the competition has increased. There are people who have been coding alongside some really next level things in their grad years. This being a major reason for companies, who now look mostly on projects and skills than your CGPA solemnly. A few parameters that can give you an edge over others will be:

  • Projects
  • Experiences (Internships, Trainings etc)
  • Skills and Area of Interest (Basically test your in depth knowledge)
  • Ambitions and willingness to learn.
  • A humble 10th, 12th and average CGPA (to be eligible for the companies)

However, these being a few of many parameters, we can’t actually determine how or on what basis will we be accepted or rejected here. What we can do, is prepare, prepare and prepare.

The More you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle

So, you can cover the following domains beforehand if you’re seeking a really good technical job placement from your college in 2018 and maybe beyond.

1. Data Structures and Algorithms

This is the most hotshot topic that people ask you if you want to be a software engineer. Companies like Amazon just focus on your DS from first to end. It is the needed ingredient to get through any good paying company’s curtains. You can follow up various courses or books to get the basics right for Data Structures and Algorithms. One book which I’ll suggest is Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy. Apart from this there may be other books or online materials that may be interesting for you. As long as you get the basics right, every source is valuable.

2. Database Management

If you don’t know Data Structures not to worry. They might switch over to DBMS for you. DBMS is the most underrated placement topic. It is that domain which you can learn easily in one day. It is super easy to learn and prepare for an interview. Again this might get you through average companies. But again, the good ones will never take you with a basic skill set right. You should have a hands on experience with different skills and techniques of DBMS in order to hit big. You can use any simple book or online tutorial to follow you through DBMS preparations. For me, I did it on Udemy.

3. Networking and Cloud

The domain of networking and cloud is one of the most highly paid domains in college placements. Companies like Cisco, Aruba, AWS etc come along to seek great talent and reward them accordingly. The is an emerging domain and has hell lot of scope and opportunities in it. The only flaw with this is that this needs a lot of time and interest and from the placement point of view, if 2x companies come for Software Engineers only x will come for network and cloud engineers. But again, they’ll pay you a lot more than software engineers. So if you’re loving it, you should definitely go for it. But keep your basics intact for preparation sake. I never really followed this domain so suggesting will not be fair.

4. Full stack and application Developers

Another well paid tech job domain. This domain needs projects, knowledge, projects, knowledge and so on. They’ll see your skills and ability to do jobs. What tools you use? What languages you know? What are your methods? What are your abilities? They’ll test them all. Some might ask you to build platforms, some might test you on paper. But they all wanna see your live projects, demos etc. Android, Swift (iOS), mobile applications developers must be having some kickass apps to show off. Bots are again an interesting thing to flaunt the interviewees. These things will definitely get you an upper edge over others in a tech interview at college.

5. General Basics

The most overlooked thing in the list is your C, C++, Java basics. The interviewees will test your basics. Not all, but most of them will surely do so. They wanna know how well you know your foundations. Mostly there will be bulk or medium pay giving companies that will ask you the basics but again there are people with amazing skills that are applying by your side. So if you don’t want FOMO then make sure you’re at par with the basics. One of the best ways to prepare for basics is to test your knowledge again and again through solving MCQs and related questions. One which I followed for C is Test you C skills and for C++ it was Test your C++ skills. You can use either of them. I’ll suggest work on your C skills more if you’re opting between them. For Java I used Core Java interview Questions by Rajesh. Again, you can use any reference, any source which might be helpful to you.

Obviously there are many other domains like Information Security, Data Analyst, SEO consultant and many many more that might land you you’re dream job and you’re all free to pursue them too. These were the ones I felt the need to mention and I’ve known about.

Master Tool

If You have survived so long, then here comes my secret sauce. Something, which I felt if I had used 6 months before my placements, I would’ve been way ahead. This book is definitely and undoubtedly the most amazing and wholesome book to prepare for your placements. No matter what your domain is, if you have coding abilities, this book is your bible. It is not that easy to complete or master this book. But, this is the price you need to pay to hit big. Again, you will be needing the following things to conquer this book:

  • Pre required basic knowledge (as the book is interview questions based)
  • Clear understanding abilities (fas it was primarily written for USA)
  • Resilience and patience to finish it.
Cracking the Coding Interview

But, once done that, I can assure you that you’re all set to grab one of those biggies. The book Cracking the Coding Interview is all that you’ll need to say that

That’ll be all folks. Thank you.

A humble help and guidance to all this was given by Chhama Sahu. Do mail me for further queries, suggestions or literally with anything at:

